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Attitude survey | Attitude surveys | Business communication training | Executive resumes | Resume writing service | Business jobs | Hot jobs | Business skills | Finding a job | Job search | Communication skills | Find a job | Professional resumes | Professional resume | CV writing service | Interpersonal communication skills | Writing skills | Job search sites | Job search websites | Goals |Resume writing | Job websites | Job vacancies | Job opportunities | Goal setting | How to set goals | Job information
Business skills and useful statement to be included in your C.V.
As you focus on your job search, it is important that you know your own qualifications. Over the years you have developed many transferable skills form employment experience, coursework, extracurricular activities and your total life experiences.
For college students or recent college grads, if you've researched topics and written, edited and presented papers for classes if you've completed work in group for classes if you've held various part-time employment's positions if you have leadership in clubs or organizations you've used Business skills that are not limited to any one academic discipline or knowledge area but are transferable to many occupations.
A prospective employer expects you to be able to apply the Business skills you have learned in your work experience as well as in college to the work environment.
Below is a list of five broad skill areas, which are divided into more specific Business skills, to help choose the most appropriate to your situation.
Communication skills
The skillful expression, transmission and interpretation of knowledge and ideas.
- Speaking effectively
- Writing concisely
- Listening attentively
- Expressing ideas
- Facilitating group discussion
- Providing appropriate feedback
- Negotiating
- Reporting information
- Editing
Research and planning
The search for specific knowledge and ability to conceptualize future needs and solutions for meeting those needs.
- Forecasting, predicting
- Creating ideas
- Identifying problems
- Imagining alternatives
- Identifying resources
- Gathering information
- Solving problems
- Setting goals
- Extracting important information
- Defining needs
- Analyzing
- Developing evaluation strategies
Next ...... Human relations
Useful words
Attitude survey | Attitude surveys | Business communication training | Executive resumes | Resume writing service | Business jobs | Hot jobs | Business skills | Finding a job | Job search | Communication skills | Find a job | Professional resumes | Professional resume | CV writing service | Interpersonal communication skills | Writing skills | Job search sites | Job search websites | Goals |Resume writing | Job websites | Job vacancies | Job opportunities | Goal setting | How to set goals | Job information
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