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Now that you completed the previous sections, you can identify what type of personality/human pattern fits you most:
Samples of personality types
For people who like activities that are practical and concrete. They like to work outdoor and to work with tools and machines using their physical skills. They often seek work relating to nature and the outdoors, mechanics, construction or military service.Investigative
For people who enjoy scientific and intellectual pursuits. They enjoy gathering information, uncovering new facts or theories as well as analyzing and interpreting data. They often seek work relating to academic research, medical facilities, or computer-related industries.Artistic
For people who value aesthetic qualities and like opportunities for self-expression. They prefer unstructured and flexible environments. They often seek work relating to art, music, drama, writing, or working in libraries or museums.Social
For people who enjoy working with people-to inform, help, train or develop them in some way. They enjoy working in groups, sharing responsibilities and are good communication. They like to solve problems through discussions of feelings and interactions with others. They often seek work relating to teaching, counseling or recreation.Enterprising
For people who enjoy influencing, leading or managing others for organizational goals or for economic success. They enjoy persuading others of their viewpoint and prefer social tasks where they can assume leadership. They often seek work relating to business management, sales or politics.Conventional
For people who enjoy systematic activities requiring attention to accuracy and detail, often associated with office work. They enjoy working for large organizations and are comfortable with an established chin of command. They often seek work relating to financial institutions, accounting firms, or other large businesses.Next ....... Clip Our Times
Useful words
Attitude survey | Attitude surveys | Business communication training | Executive resumes | Resume writing service | Business jobs | Hot jobs | Business skills | Finding a job | Job search | Communication skills | Find a job | Professional resumes | Professional resume | CV writing service | Interpersonal communication skills | Writing skills | Job search sites | Job search websites | Goals |Resume writing | Job websites | Job vacancies | Job opportunities | Goal setting | How to set goals | Job information
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