Useful words
Attitude survey | Attitude surveys | Business communication training | Executive resumes | Resume writing service | Business jobs | Hot jobs | Business skills | Finding a job | Job search | Communication skills | Find a job | Professional resumes | Professional resume | CV writing service | Interpersonal communication skills | Writing skills | Job search sites | Job search websites | Goals |Resume writing | Job websites | Job vacancies | Job opportunities | Goal setting | How to set goals | Job information
- As you make your plans, don't try to accomplish the impossible. If you work full-time, enrolling in two night courses in a new field may be unrealistic; start with one class so that the goals you set are achievable.
- Put your goals sheets in a "Job search Notebook" so that you'll have them for easy reference.
- Goals can, and should, be reviewed every six months (about the time when you should be setting new short-term goals ) and revised as needed. Writ this "review session" on your calendar. Examine your goals sheets to determine what other issues this may affect (type of experiential summer job you want, possible volunteer work you could do to learn more about the profession, ect.).
In brief: keep it simple
1. Setting career goals will provide a decision-making framework that will help in every aspect of your life.
2. Be very specific in both the goals you set and the steps that are necessary in order to reach them.
3. Be realistic about what you can achieve in a certain period of time.
Attitude survey | Attitude surveys | Business communication training | Executive resumes | Resume writing service | Business jobs | Hot jobs | Business skills | Finding a job | Job search | Communication skills | Find a job | Professional resumes | Professional resume | CV writing service | Interpersonal communication skills | Writing skills | Job search sites | Job search websites | Goals |Resume writing | Job websites | Job vacancies | Job opportunities | Goal setting | How to set goals | Job information
Goal setting
Helpful hints
- As you make your plans, don't try to accomplish the impossible. If you work full-time, enrolling in two night courses in a new field may be unrealistic; start with one class so that the goals you set are achievable.
- Put your goals sheets in a "Job search Notebook" so that you'll have them for easy reference.
- Goals can, and should, be reviewed every six months (about the time when you should be setting new short-term goals ) and revised as needed. Writ this "review session" on your calendar. Examine your goals sheets to determine what other issues this may affect (type of experiential summer job you want, possible volunteer work you could do to learn more about the profession, ect.).
In brief: keep it simple
1. Setting career goals will provide a decision-making framework that will help in every aspect of your life.
2. Be very specific in both the goals you set and the steps that are necessary in order to reach them.
3. Be realistic about what you can achieve in a certain period of time.
Next........Step Two "Attitude survey"
Useful words
Attitude survey | Attitude surveys | Business communication training | Executive resumes | Resume writing service | Business jobs | Hot jobs | Business skills | Finding a job | Job search | Communication skills | Find a job | Professional resumes | Professional resume | CV writing service | Interpersonal communication skills | Writing skills | Job search sites | Job search websites | Goals |Resume writing | Job websites | Job vacancies | Job opportunities | Goal setting | How to set goals | Job information
Useful words
Attitude survey | Attitude surveys | Business communication training | Executive resumes | Resume writing service | Business jobs | Hot jobs | Business skills | Finding a job | Job search | Communication skills | Find a job | Professional resumes | Professional resume | CV writing service | Interpersonal communication skills | Writing skills | Job search sites | Job search websites | Goals |Resume writing | Job websites | Job vacancies | Job opportunities | Goal setting | How to set goals | Job information